Visit our online demo-labs!

a new occasion offered for maximum comfort from your desk: your live online demo with your own products

With this online demo service, our experts will show you the product of your choice remotely via video!

You will be able to see it in action and learn more about its functionality from the comfort of your desk. During the demonstration we will, of course, answer any questions you might have.
You are also welcome to send us samples for testing or preparation and join us LIVE when our application engineers process them (except for Carbolite-Gero).

This service is made possible by a dedicated remote software which you can easily start from your computer: you do not have to install any software yourself: an internetconnection, a speaker and optionally a microphone/headset are enough. We can also organize ourselves to answer your questions in written.

Would you like to know more? 
Please click the manufacturer of your choice to arrange an appointment:


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